Running Time: 45 minutes
Puppet Styles: Hand, Rod, and Shadow
Audience: Grades PK-5 and family audiences
Recommended audience size: up to 400
New Squid on the Block Learning Guide
It can be hard to make friends. Especially if you have tentacles. Journey to Antarctica as a curious squid seeks connection in the most unlikely of places. Penguins, orcas, and jellyfish abound in an icy landscape for this heartwarming tale of friendship. Beautifully handcrafted puppets, an original score by Ned Haskins, and a good dose of silliness, combine to create a comedic, wordless performance that celebrates our ability to create connections, despite our differences.
Space & Technical Requirements: Clear, performing area that is at least 22 feet wide, 15 feet deep, and with a ceiling clearance of 8 feet or more. A raised stage is required for audiences in excess of 100 persons. We provide wireless mics and professional sound or can work through your house system.
Click for Media Kit.