
Our original, main stage performances provide preschools with an exciting event that your children will be talking about for weeks!  Our professional performers arrive with everything needed to create a unique experience for the kids. Our puppets, scenery, and staging look great on stage, and all shows feature original music.

We have performed these shows repeatedly for local preschools and have found that the below shows work best in this setting. Please be sure to note the recommended target audience for each show as it varies from show to show. Generally, our shows work best in a large multi-purpose room with children seated on the floor. Contact us with questions!

Dreamtime-full-stage-far-1024x667Dreamtime (Ages 3 & up) Experience the magic of “The Land Down Under” in this performance inspired by Aboriginal folktales. A young platypus, Billy, has a tough time being nocturnal…



Red-wolf-and-cookieLittle Red & the Gingerbread Man (Ages 2 1/2 & up) Two tales rolled into one make for twice the fun! Join Little Red and she pursues a mischievous Gingerbread cookie through the woods to Grandma’s house…



Ooey Gooey (Ages 4 and up) Sometimes characters end up in sticky situations! This lively puppet show for young audiences features timeless classics including The Three Little Kittens and Little Miss Muffet…



trickster color 3Trickster Tales (Ages 4 & up) With Anansi the Spider, world famous trickster, all things are possible — if you only have a plan…



Coming Soon: Vegetables Destiny! (Ages 3 & up)

We can also bring a puppet-making or shadow play workshop for ages 4 and up!


Barefoot Puppet Theater tours award-winning programs to theatres, schools, libraries, children's museums and more. Though we are based out of Richmond, VA, our self-contained productions tour across the country. No matter your location, Barefoot Puppet Theatre would be thrilled to perform for you! Contact us today!


P.O. Box 26366, Richmond, VA 23260 | 804. 358. 3377