My suitcase is bursting with wool and all sorts of oddities for the workshops I am taking on Germany. The packing list was pretty wild (bring a hat stand and several kilos of wool!). I am not sure what TSA will make of it… I will be posting up pictures and trying to keep tabs […]
Archive | Behind the Scenes

Getting ready to go to GERMANY!
It’s a LOT of work trying to resuscitate a blog when you’ve allowed time to pass without posting anything. I am so excited about my upcoming trip to Germany, though, and am doing some fabulous prep work to get ready for it. I wanted to be sure to document everything. In my work, I’ve paid […]

Beneath the Baobab Tree
We love to share what goes on behind the scenes at Barefoot Puppets. We write and build each of our shows, hand-crafting all our puppets, staging and scenery in our studio in Richmond, VA. We use a wide variety of materials: papier-mache, handmade papers, fabric (especially raw silk), dowel rods, broken hockey sticks, springs, funnels, […]